The “Do What You Love” Myth

Career, For Individuals | 0 comments

“Do work that you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

Two words: Bull and $#!t

Work that you love can still feel like WORK. That doesn’t mean you don’t LOVE it. What it DOES mean is…

You’re running into something that challenges you and you’re feeling resistance in yourself.

Maybe you’re being pushed to navigate a tricky path forward, evaluate options that feel like “bad” and “worse,” or find your way through murky, ambiguity.

It’s up to you to decide if the resistance you’re feeling in yourself is because things are just hard RIGHT NOW or are they really NOT RIGHT?

Figuring it out requires compassion for yourself, creativity, and courage.

Then you can determine your course of action – POWER THROUGH or COURSE CORRECT.

Things worth reaching for typically don’t come easy and sometimes you just need to hunker down to get to the light at the end of the tunnel.

But sometimes the resistance is telling us we are living out of alignment with our values and priorities and we are out of patience for tolerating it.

Knowing the difference means WORK will be part of a LIFE you LOVE.

When you’re ready, please reach out. I’ve been there and can help.