by corporatecompassionproject | Apr 11, 2021 | Career, Decision Making, For Individuals
I was on the phone with a coaching client and I could feel the pain in her voice. She was wrestling with THE BIG QUESTION: Do I stay or do I go? Here’s what I told her… How we make money is intrinsically tied to our identity. Even the most self-aware among us have...
by corporatecompassionproject | Mar 28, 2021 | Career, Communication, For Individuals, Leadership, Management
Anyone who has ever planned anything knows the first thing to go south after you embark on a plan is… THE PLAN! It’s what you do after things fall apart that matters. The management world is calling this RESILIENCE – the capacity to recover quickly from...
by corporatecompassionproject | Feb 28, 2021 | Career, Decision Making, For Individuals, Leadership, Priorities, Purpose
“What do I want?” As busy professionals with loads of obligations and responsibilities to our jobs and families, this is a question we RARELY ask ourselves. When we do, we often feel guilty for being “selfish,” embarrassed because we don’t know the answer or scared...
by corporatecompassionproject | Feb 14, 2021 | Career, For Individuals, Leadership, Management
It was 2007. I was at a networking event, waiting for the keynote speaker, trying desperately to avoid painful small talk. A well-intentioned stranger spotted me at the crudité table and approached. “Hi! I’m so-and-so from such-and-such. I do blah-blah-blah. How about...
by corporatecompassionproject | Jan 17, 2021 | Career, For Individuals, Leadership
The first few weeks of something new can be difficult. Going into an unknown environment with unknown people and agendas can feel overwhelming, even when it’s something you’ve been seeking for weeks, months, or years. For anyone experiencing a new beginning, here are...
by corporatecompassionproject | Jan 3, 2021 | Career, For Individuals, Priorities, Purpose
When we’re ready to change something in our lives, setting goals will help us make it happen. Charting a course of action steps can get us there, but how do we know where THERE is? What if all we know is that we want things to be DIFFERENT? Consider the sequence...