4 Ways to Build Your Remote Team’s Resilience
Anyone who has ever planned anything knows the first thing to go south after you embark on a plan is… THE PLAN! It’s what you do after things fall apart that matters. The management world is calling this RESILIENCE – the capacity to recover quickly from...
When You Don’t Know, Do THIS
I’M SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT TO DO! I hear you. And I know you’re feeling bad because you don’t have all the answers. But guess what? NO ONE DOES! Every day, everyone is doing their best to make the best choices with the information available. There is no RIGHT way,...
Build Trust to Manage Through Mistakes
I could tell from the look on his face that something was wrong. My usually self-sufficient analytics manager was standing in my office doorway, uncharacteristically speechless. He had supplied me with information for a big-deal Board-level communication that I had...